Equitation classes are a popular choice for riders looking to showcase their skills in horseback riding. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or just starting out, understanding what to wear and the accessories required can make a significant difference in your performance and overall presentation. Here’s a guide to help you dress for success in an equitation class.

Rider’s Attire


Safety should always be a top priority when riding, so wearing a properly fitted helmet is a must. Choose a helmet that meets safety standards and is comfortable to wear for extended periods.

Show Coat

A traditional show coat is typically worn in equitation classes. Choose a coat that is well-fitted and complements your overall look. Colors such as navy, black, or dark grey are often preferred for a classic appearance.

Show Shirt

A show shirt or blouse should be worn underneath your show coat. Opt for a collared shirt in a conservative color such as white or light blue. The shirt should be neatly tucked into your breeches.


Breeches are a staple in equestrian attire. They should be comfortable, well-fitted, and allow for freedom of movement. Choose a color that complements your overall outfit, such as beige, white, or tan.


Tall riding boots are commonly worn in equitation classes. They should be clean, polished, and well-maintained. Make sure your boots fit properly and provide adequate support for your legs while riding.


Riding gloves not only provide grip but also protect your hands while handling the reins. Choose gloves that fit well and allow for a good feel of the reins.


A belt is a subtle yet essential accessory that adds a polished look to your outfit. Choose a belt that complements your overall attire and fits well with your breeches.


Keeping your hair neat and tidy is important in the show ring. A hairnet can help secure your hair under your helmet and prevent it from becoming a distraction during your ride.

Horse’s Attire


A well-fitted saddle is crucial for both the comfort of the horse and the rider. Make sure your saddle fits your horse properly and allows for a balanced position while riding.


A bridle with a snaffle bit is commonly used in equitation classes. Ensure the bridle fits your horse comfortably and allows for clear communication between you and your horse.

Saddle Pad

A saddle pad not only provides comfort for your horse but also adds a pop of color to your overall look. Choose a pad that fits your saddle well and complements your show attire.

Boots or Wraps

Protective boots or wraps can help prevent injuries to your horse’s legs while riding. Choose boots or wraps that fit properly and provide adequate support.


While not required, accessories such as a browband or a stock tie can add a touch of elegance to your outfit. Make sure any accessories you choose are allowed under the competition rules.


Dressing appropriately for an equitation class not only shows respect for the sport but also helps you perform at your best. By following these guidelines and ensuring both you and your horse are well-prepared, you’ll be ready to shine in the show ring.

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